Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Falling Behind

Blah. I'm sick this week...and in an effort not to stoop to the low I was at back in December, I'm staying home from work and drinking more fluids than humanly possible without drowning my organs (this is actually a very real thing that people have done before, who knew?) Oregon is sleeping on her pillow, shushing soundly while her leg muscles twitch all over the place and dreams float in and out of her head...probably dreaming of chasing squirrels up the trees that she otherwise cannot climb in real life...though she may try.

I am also looking for a new place to live! Anybody know of a good place in Baltimore City that is cheap and doggy friendly? I have my eye on a couple places, but nothing is definite yet. Sometimes I find myself concocting various images of what I want my new apartment to look like. Usually, when I want to dream big, I turn to my latest Anthropologie catalogue. Other times, I cannot help but admire the minimalist approach to spaces- it's clean and fancy at the same time. Plus, it's a lot less expensive to maintain ;)

{via here}

{via here}


  1. I've become an accidental expert at Baltimore apartments, having lived here for seven (eek!) years. I'm more familiar with the Charles Village and Mt. Washington areas, though also did some searching for places downtown when my boyfriend was looking for a place there. Let me know if you'd like some specific suggestions! (Also, I have a friend trying to pass down a lease in Towson, basically as I type this.)

  2. Hi again! I'm so glad you're interested in the "Dear Darlings" penpal project, and I'm also glad to share what I know about CV apartments. I went to reply to your comment, and realized that it was one of the "no-reply comment" situations, so I couldn't get in touch! When you get a quick chance, send me an email (omydarlingblog-at-gmail-dot-com), and I'll get the info about both things to you.
