Sunday, December 5, 2010

cake and other delicious things.

Oregon had her first taste of Pennsylvania snow during the holiday weekend.

And then it was time to taste the cranberry upside-down cake...

...thank you, smitten kitchen. click here for the recipe.

Michelle taunting Oregon with her dainty cup of hot apple cider.

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend, as well! Now, how much longer do I have to wait until Christmas??

1 comment:

  1. CUTE coat!!! I love the wintery weather! Is this the day you put the coat on your puppy:)
    PS I love you said that the first pic would make a good Christmas card because guess what... it is our Christmas card!!!lol :)I love that we both think it is funny. I hope everyone else who gets the card will see the humor in it. :)
